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Recent Articles and Research

Chilmark Media

HIMSS24: Back to Form but Haunted by Change Healthcare

HIMSS24: Back to Form but Haunted by Change Healthcare

Good luck trying to get noticed for anything other than AI or cybersecurity HIMSS24 was the first HIMSS national conference that I will have missed since I first attended in 2012. It felt weird not to be there with all my friends and colleagues, and I certainly missed...

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ViVE 2024: Bridging the Health 2.0 – HIMSS Gap

ViVE 2024: Bridging the Health 2.0 – HIMSS Gap

Workforce / capacity issues and AI – and where the two meet – are still the two biggest topics on clinical executives’ minds right now at both ViVE 2024 and HAS24. Probably the first time I’ve seen the same primary focus two years in a row – historically we’ve always seen a new buzzword / hype topic every year…

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Real-World Data in Healthcare: 2023-2024 Buyers’ Guide

Real-World Data in Healthcare: 2023-2024 Buyers’ Guide

Coming 2024 Q1 Are you trying to navigate the dynamic landscape of healthcare technology? At Chilmark Research, we've developed our Buyers' Guide report format to empower decision-makers that are evaluating their options in the ever-evolving healthcare sector....

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Chilmark Media

Providence’s Blueprint for Value Based, Data Driven Healthcare feat. Deepak Sadagopan

Providence’s Blueprint for Value Based, Data Driven Healthcare feat. Deepak Sadagopan

Regulation as a forcing function for innovation feat. Micky Tripathi, HHS’ National Coordinator for Health IT

Regulation as a forcing function for innovation feat. Micky Tripathi, HHS’ National Coordinator for Health IT

Unlocking the Value of Data-Driven Healthcare with Keith Figlioli of LRVHealth

Unlocking the Value of Data-Driven Healthcare with Keith Figlioli of LRVHealth

Empowering Patients with a Competitive Advantage feat. Grace Cordovano, PhD, BCPA

Empowering Patients with a Competitive Advantage feat. Grace Cordovano, PhD, BCPA

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